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李連 副研究員

說明: D:\個人資料\找工作\山大\123.jpg


聯系方式:E-mail:lilian@sdu.edu.cn;地址:濟南市文化西路44号 推荐几个网赌网站,郵編250012。電話:0531-88380268。










l 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,具有抗補體活性硫酸軟骨素的篩選及其通過調節補體系統治療骨性關節炎的機制研究,項目負責人

l 國家重點研發計劃子課題,中藥生産過程可視化技術研究,子課題負責人

l 國家博士後面上基金,硫酸軟骨素寡糖在類風濕性關節炎治療中的作用機制研究,項目負責人

l 山東省博士後創新基金,項目負責人

l China–Australia Centre for Health Sciences Research (CACHSR)FUNDING,中方項目負責人


Chen Yu, Hengchang Zang, Cui Yang, Dong Liang, Shuang Quan, Danyang Li, Yanni Li, Qin Dong, Fengshan Wang,Lian Li*. Study of chondroitin sulfate E oligosaccharide as a promising complement C5 inhibitor for osteoarthritis alleviation, Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021,112234.

Chen Yu#, Bing Zhao#, Yan Li, Hengchang Zang,Lian Li*. Vibrational Spectroscopy in Assessment of Early Osteoarthritis—A Narrative Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(10):5235.

Mengqi Zhang, Liang Liu, Cui Yang, Zhongyu Sun, Xiuhua Xu,Lian Li*, and Hengchang Zang*, Research on the Structure of Peanut Allergen Protein Ara h1 Based on Aquaphotomics. Frontiers in Nutrition, 2021. 8(311).

Chen Yu#, Shuang Quan#, Cui Yang, Chengliang Zhang, Jiajin Fan,Lian Li*, and Hengchang Zang*, Determination of the immunoglobulin G precipitation end-point by an intelligent near-infrared spectroscopy system. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2021: p. 2150007.

Lanling Liu, Kefan Zhang, Zhongyu Sun, Qin Dong,Lian Li*, and Hengchang Zang*, A new perspective in understanding the dissolution behavior of nifedipine controlled release tablets by NIR spectroscopy with aquaphotomics. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2021. 1230: p. 129872.

Lele Gao, Liang Zhong, Jin Zhang, Mengqi Zhang, Yingzi Zeng,Lian Li*, and Hengchang Zang*, Water as a probe to understand the traditional Chinese medicine extraction process with near infrared spectroscopy: A case of Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bge) extraction process. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021. 244: p. 118854.

Liang Zhong, Lele Gao,Lian Li*, Hengchang Zang*. Trends-process analytical technology in solid oral dosage manufacturing. European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceuticsk,2020, (153): 187-199.

Lian Li#, Shuang Quan#, Danyang Li, Jiayue Wang, Hengchang Zang*, Lining Zhang*, Development of near infrared spectroscopy methodology for human albumin determination using a new calibration approach. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2019 (217), 56-262.

Li Lian, Li Yan, Feng Danyang, Xu Linghua, Yin Fengxin, Zang Hengchang, Liu Chunhui, Wang Fengshan*, Preparation of low molecular weight chondroitin sulfates, screening of a high anti-complement capacity of low molecular weight chondroitin sulfate and its biological activity studies in attenuating osteoarthritis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2016, 17(10):1685

Li Lian, Li Yan, Ijaz Muhammad, Shahbaz Muhammad, Lian Qianqian, Wang Fengshan*, Review on complement analysis method and the roles of glycosaminoglycans in the complement system, Carbohydrate polymers, 2015, 134: 590-597

Li Lian, Zang Hengchang, Li Jun, Chen Dejun, Wang Fengshan*, Identification of anisodamine tablets by Raman and near-infrared spectroscopy with chemometrics, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014, 127: 91-97

Li Lian, Ding Baoyang, Yang Qi, Chen Shang, Ren Huaying, Wang Jinfeng, Zang Hengchang*, Wang Fengshan, Zang Lixuan, The relevance study of effective information between near infrared spectroscopy and chondroitin sulfate in ethanol precipitation process, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, 2014, 7(6): 1450022


2021年,The 4th Aquaphotomics International Symposium最佳牆報獎。

2019年,國際近紅外光譜學會“John Shenk Travel Awards”。


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