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餘志義 教授






1. 鉀離子通道變構調節劑的發現、優化及其轉化應用研究

2. 以半胱氨酸環受體(Cys-loop receptors)為靶點的新型神經系統類藥物的設計、合成及其藥理活性研究

3. 藥物與靶标蛋白相互作用的動力學常數(如:residence time,kon,koff等)測定及其藥理學機制研究

4. 基于分子探針、蛋白質組學以及計算機模拟技術的藥物靶點(target deconvolution)及其活性結合位點(binding site identification)的鑒定


2019.06 -至今, 推荐几个网赌网站,藥物化學系,教授、博士生導師

2015.10 - 2019.06,美國哈佛大學醫學院, 神經生物系, 博士後研究員

2011.09 - 2015.10,荷蘭萊頓大學藥物研究中心, 藥物化學及分子藥理學專業, 博士

2008.09 - 2011.06,四川大學華西藥學院, 藥物化學專業, 碩士

2004.09 - 2008.06,四川大學華西藥學院, 藥學專業, 學士


1. 山東大學“齊魯青年學者”科研啟動基金

2. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目 hERG鉀離子通道變構調節劑的發現、優化及藥理活性研究 2020.01-2022.12


1. Z. Yu, D.C. Chiara, P.Y. Savechenkov, K.S. Bruzik KS, J.B. Cohen, A photoreactive analog of allopregnanolone enables identification of steroid-binding sites in a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor,Journal of Biological Chemistry, 294(19): 7892-7903 (2019)

2. M. McGrath,Z. Yu, S.S. Jayakar, C. Ma, M. Tolia, X. Zhou, K.W. Miller, J.B. Cohen, D.E. Raines, Etomidate and etomidate analog binding and positive modulation of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors: Evidence for a state-dependent cutoff effect,Anesthesiology129(5):959-969 (2018)

3. L. Sala,Z. Yu, D. Ward-van Oostwaard, J.P. van Veldhoven, A. Moretti, K.-L. Laugwitz, C.L. Mummery, A.P. IJzerman, M. Bellin, A new hERG allosteric modulator rescues genetic and drug-induced long-QT syndrome phenotypes in cardiomyocytes from isogenic pairs of patient induced pluripotent stem cells,EMBO Molecular Medicine8(9):1065-1081 (2016)

4. Z. Yu, J.B. Cohen, Enantiomeric barbiturates bind distinctinter-andintra-subunit binding sites in a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR),Journal of Biological Chemistry292(42):17258-17271 (2017)

5. Z. Yu, J. Liu, J.P. van Veldhoven, A.P. IJzerman, M.J. Schalij, D.A. Pijnappels, L.H. Heitman, A.A. de Vries, Allosteric modulation of Kv11.1(hERG) channels protects against drug-induced ventricular arrhythmias,Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology9(4):e003439 (2016)

6. Z. Yu, J.P. van Veldhoven, J. Louvel, I.M. ’t Hart, M.B. Rook, M.A. van der Heyden, L.H. Heitman, A.P. IJzerman, Structure-affinity relationships (SARs) and structure-kinetics relationships (SKRs) of Kv11.1 blockers,Journal of Medicinal Chemistry58(15):5916-5929 (2015)

7. Z. Yu, J.P. van Veldhoven, I. ME't Hart, A.H. Kopf, L.H. Heitman, A.P. IJzerman, Synthesis and biological evaluation of negative allosteric modulators of the Kv11.1(hERG) channel,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry106:50-59 (2015)

8. Z. Yu, A.P. IJzerman, L.H. Heitman, Kv11.1(hERG)-induced cardiotoxicity: a molecular insight from a binding kinetics study of prototypical Kv11.1(hERG) inhibitors,British Journal of Pharmacology172(3):940-955 (2015)

9. Z. Yu, E. Klaasse, L.H. Heitman, A.P. IJzerman, Allosteric modulators of the hERG K+channel: Radioligand binding assays reveal allosteric characteristics of dofetilide analogs,Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology274(1):78-86 (2014)

10.Z. Yu, G. Shi, Q. Sun, H. Jin, Y. Teng, K. Tao, G. Zhou, W. Liu, F. Wen, T. Hou, Design, synthesis andin vitroantibacterial/antifungal evaluation of novel 1-ethyl-6-fluoro-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-7(1-piperazinyl) quinoline-3-carboxylic acid derivatives,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry44(11):4726-4733 (2009)

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