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邢傑 教授






2005.7 ~至今,推荐几个网赌网站任教,2014.9被聘為教授,2016.7被聘為博士生導師

2009.4 ~ 2010.4,美國華盛頓大學藥學院,訪問學者

2002.7 ~ 2005.7,沈陽藥科大學藥學院獲理學博士學位

2000.7 ~ 2002.7 沈陽藥科大學藥學院攻讀碩士并被免試推薦攻讀博士

1996.7 ~ 2000.7 沈陽藥科大學藥學院獲理學學士學位








1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“惡性瘧原蟲對青蒿素類藥物代謝的影響及其參與青蒿素耐藥的調節機制”(81773807);課題期限:2018.1~2021.12。(在研)

2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目“核受體及其靶基因CYPs的基因多态性對青蒿素類藥物代謝調控的分子機制研究”(81373483);課題期限:2014.1~2017.12。(結題)

3. 山東省重點研發計劃項目“中藥青蒿中靶向發現天然抗瘧增敏小分子以及新型青蒿素聯合用藥的研究”(2015GSF119007);課題期限:2016.1~2017.12。(結題)

4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目:青蒿素類藥物的自身誘導代謝以及孕烷X受體(PXR)和組成型雄烷受體(CAR)對其的分子調節機制研究(30901829);課題期限:2010.1~2012.12。(結題)


中國藥理學會藥物代謝專業委員會委員;中國藥學會醫藥生物分析專業委員會委員;學術期刊Current Drug Metabolism和Biomedical Chromatography的編委。


1. Xie YW, Zhang YR, Liu HX,Xing J*. Metabolic retroversion of piperaquine (PQ)viahepatic CYP-mediated N-oxidation and reduction: not a potential contributor to the prolonged elimination of PQ.Drug Metab Dispos. 2021; 49(5):379-388.

2. Xie YW, Liu HX, Chen XY,Xing J*. The effect of gastric pH on the pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics of naphthoquine in rodents, as well as in human predicted using a PBPK model.Current Drug Metab. 2021; 22, doi: 10.2174/1389200222666210129102411.

3. Wang X, Cai TY, Chen XY, Yang AJ, Xie YW,Xing J*. Rapid profiling of the marker components in Artemisia annua L. and their metabolites in rats using an improved liquid chromatography tandem high-resolution mass spectrometry-based technology.Current Drug Metab. 2021; 22, doi: 10.2174/1389200222666210129160643.

4. Zhang XL, Meng R, Wang HN*,Xing J*. Differential effects of components in Artemisia annua extract on the induction of drug-metabolizing enzyme expression mediated by nuclear receptors.Planta Med. 2020; 86(12):867-875.

5. Xie YW, Liu HX, Sun YH,Xing J*. The gender-related variability in the pharmacokinetics and antiplasmodial activity of naphthoquine in rodents.Malar J. 2020; 19:71.

6. Wang S, Cai T, Liu H, Yang A,Xing J*. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry assay for the simultaneous determination of three major flavonoids and their glucuronidated metabolites in rats after oral administration of Artemisia annua L. extract at a therapeutic ultra-low dose.J Sep Sci. 2019; 42(21):3330-3339.

7. Liu HX, Zhou HC, Cai TY, Yang AJ, Zang MT,Xing J*. The metabolism of piperaquine to its antiplasmodial metabolites and their pharmacokinetic profiles in healthy volunteers.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2018; 62(8):e00260-18.

8. Sun YH, Wang SQ, Ji JB, Zhai GX*,Xing J*.Metabolite identification of the antimalarial naphthoquine using liquid chromatography-tandem high-resolution mass spectrometry in combination with multiple data-mining tools.Biomed Chromatogr. 2018; 32(6):e4207

9. Cai TY, Zhang YR, Ji JB,Xing J*. Investigation of the component inArtemisia annuaL. leading to enhanced antiplasmodial potency of artemisinin via regulation of its metabolism.J Ethnopharmacol. 2017; 207:86-91.

10.Xing J*, Zang MT, Liu HX. The application of a novel high-resolution mass spectrometry-based analytical strategy to rapid metabolite profiling of a dual drug combination in humans.Anal Chim Acta. 2017; 993:38-46.

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