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趙保兵 教授

趙保兵,博士,推荐几个网赌网站教授,藥理學博士生導師;山東省泰山學者青年專家。主要從事血液學研究,專注紅系細胞發育、造血幹細胞自我更新及相關血液疾病的緻病機理,發掘潛在藥物靶标。迄今在J Clin InvestDev CellBloodLeukemiaHaematologica等發表SCI論文30餘篇。


TEL: 0531-88382176;Email:baobingzh@sdu.edu.cn


2018.05 –至今 推荐几个网赌网站 教授 博士生導師

2017.07 – 2017.11 美國西北大學Feinberg醫學院 研究助理教授

2012.08 – 2017.06 美國西北大學Feinberg醫學院 博士後

2006.09 – 2011.12 廈門大學 博士

2002.09 – 2006.07 西北農林科技大學 本科




金屬離子依賴性蛋白磷酸酶PPM1B特異性抑制劑的設計、合成及其在造血幹細胞功能調節的分子機制研究(81874294),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2019/01 – 2022/12,主持;

山東省“泰山學者青年專家”,2018/12 – 2023/12,主持;

山東大學“齊魯青年學者”科研基金,2018/05 – 2023/05,主持;

山東大學青年交叉科學創新群體,2020/01 – 2023/12,團隊負責人;

山東大學榮祥再生醫學基金,2020/01– 2022/12,主持。


1. Zhiyuan Lu. Peng Xiao, Yuan Zhou, Zhenyu Li, Xxiao Yu, Jinpeng Sun, Yuemao Shen, andBaobing Zhao#, Identification of HN252 as a potent inhibitor of protein phosphatase PPM1B.Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, 2020; 24:13463–13471.

2. Baobing Zhao#, Hui Liu, Yang Mei, Xu Han, Jing Yang, Amittha Wickrema, Peng Ji#. Disruption of erythroid nuclear opening and histone release in myelodysplastic syndromes.Cancer Medicine, 2019. 8(3): 1169-1174.

3. Mengjia Guan, Jin Qiu, Chunhua Lu,Baobing Zhao#, Yuemao Shen. Design and Synthesis of Natural Product-Like Terphenyl as Potent Topoisomerase IIα Inhibitors.Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018. 38(11): 3039-3047.

4. Baobing Zhao, Yang Mei, Ronen Sumagin, Jing Yang, Chelsea Thorsheim, Liang Zhao, Timothy Stalker, Qiang Jeremy Wen, John D. Crispino, Charles S. Abrams, and Peng Ji. Loss of Pleckstrin-2 reverts vascular occlusions through the reduction of red cell mass in JAK2V617F-positive myeloproliferative neoplasms.Journal of clinical investigation, 2018. 128(1):125-140.

5. Baobing Zhao, Yang Mei, Matthew J Schipma, Eric Wayne Roth, Reiner Bleher, Joshua Z Rappoport, Amittha Wickrema, Jing Yang, and Peng Ji, Nuclear Condensation during Mouse Erythropoiesis Requires Caspase-3-Mediated Nuclear Opening.Developmental Cell, 2016. 36(5): 498-510. (Cover Story, and highlighted as previews)

6. Baobing Zhao, Yang Mei, Jing Yang and Peng Ji. Erythropoietin regulated oxidative stress negatively affects enucleation in erythropoiesis.Experimental hematology,2016. 44(10): 975-981.

7. Qiu Jin*,Baobing Zhao*, Zhon W, Shen Y, and Lin H. Synthesis, biological evaluation and modeling studies of terphenyl topoisomerase IIalpha inhibitors as anticancer agents.European journal of medicinal chemistry, 2015. 94: 427-435.

8. Ganesan Keerthivasan, Yang Mei,Baobing Zhao, Ling Zhang, Chad E. Harris, Juehua Gao, Ashley A. Basiorka, Matthew J. Schipma, James McElherne, Jing Yang, Amit K. Verma, Andrea Pellagatti, Jacqueline Boultwood, Alan F. List, David A. Williams, and Peng Ji. Aberrant overexpression of CD14 on granulocytes sensitizes the innate immune response in mDia1 heterozygous del(5q) myelodysplastic syndromes.Blood,2014. 124(5): 780-790.

9. Baobing Zhao*, Ganesan Keerthivasan*, Jing Yang, James McElherne, Piu Wong, John Doench, Gang Feng, David Root, and Peng Ji. Targeted shRNA screening identified critical roles of pleckstrin-2 in erythropoiesis.Haematologica, 2014. 99(7): 1157-1167.

10. Jifeng Wang*,Baobing Zhao*, Yuting Yi, Wei Zhang, Xuan Wu, Lianru Zhang, Yuemao Shen. Mycoepoxydiene, a fungal polyketide induces apoptosis in MCF-7 cells through simultaneously targeting p53 and NF-κB pathways.Biochemical Pharmacology, 2012. 84(7): 891-899.

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